Facing the Facts: The Truth about Sex and You (God's Design for Sex)
Facing the Facts: The Truth about Sex and You (God's Design for Sex)
Jones, Stan and Brenna

For children ages 11-14, "Facing the Facts" is designed to give kids all the information they need to understand exactly what is happening to their bodies during puberty.


Story of Me, The: Babies, Bodies, and a Very Good God (God's Design for Sex)
Story of Me, The: Babies, Bodies, and a Very Good God (God's Design for Sex)
Jones, Stan and Brenna

Written for families with kids ages 3-5, parents can use this book to explain the marvelous body God gives us.


What's the Big Deal? Why God Cares about Sex (God's Design for Sex)
What's the Big Deal? Why God Cares about Sex (God's Design for Sex)
Jones, Stan and Brenna

"What's the Big Deal?" helps kids find answers to their questions about sex. (For families with kids ages 8-11).
